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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a short list of the most common questions people have - if you have any other questions or concerns please reach out!

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Anti-Wrinkle Injections, "Tox" (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport)

I’m nervous, how does tox work?


First, wrinkles happen because of frequent muscle contractions causing repeated wrinkles in the skin – they are created by action: frown lines, smile lines, etc. Neurotoxins ("tox") work by being precisely injected at the muscle doing the contracting to weaken them, so that the wrinkling effect isn’t as strong.

How do you make it look natural?


The goal is always a natural, refreshed look. Using our extensive anatomy education, we choose placement at the ideal locations of these muscles to soften the wrinkling effect. Over time (and with great skin care!) these wrinkles can soften even more.

Are there side effects from anti-wrinkle injections?


- The injections leave small bumps, but they are usually gone in 15-20 minutes.

- Bruises are unlikely but certainly possible. We have a great bruise cream, let us know if this happens!




Any restrictions related to anti-wrinkle injections?


- Activity to avoid 24 hours after injections: no rubbing your face, exercise, sauna, or hats, headbands.

- For two weeks: no facials, peels, lasers, or microdermabrasion.

- With only light pressure, you may wash your face the same day. Applying sunscreen and makeup are fine too, with light pressure of course.

Anti-wrinkle injections are priced per unit, how many units do you think I’ll need?


Depends on which areas are treated. And even so, it varies from person to person – how strong are your muscles, how active are you, etc. We can give you a good estimate with a free consultation. The graphic below is to give you an idea, not your treatment plan.

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Anti-Wrinkle Injections
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Dermal Filler (Restylane, RHA)

What is dermal filler?


Dermal filler is a gel that instantly adds volume to the face. They are most often hyaluronic acid based - this means it absorbs your body’s water to plump naturally. There are different consistencies available - think firmer for cheeks and jaw line (for building up the bone), and softer for lips and fine lines.

Why might I need filler?


We want you looking like your youthful self! Beginning at just 16 years old, your fat pads begin to degrade. Bones do the same (think cheek bones & jaw). All filler is meant to do is replace the bone structure and fat pads, to help lift the skin back to where it was!

How long does it last?


Everyone is different, really. Most fillers claim results for 6-12 months. Although some people see results for two years. We can chat about your goals and recommended fillers at your consult!

Any restrictions before or after getting filler?


- Please do not use makeup for 24 hours!

- It is advised to sit up for 4 hours and not to sleep with your face in the pillow for the first night as well.

- For two weeks before and after: no dental appointments, not even cleanings!




Any risks when getting filler?


Minor side effects like bruising, redness, or some discomfort are the most common, but typically resolve within a week. There is a major risk that is extremely rare called vascular occlusion - but know we take every precaution to avoid it, and have everything necessary to treat it should it happen.

Dermal Filler
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PRP & Microneedling Facial

What is PRP? Why is it so great?


PRP is “Platelet Rich Plasma.” It is the clear portion of your blood once drawn and separated. PRP is full of growth factors that aid repairing in your body, so why not your skin too?!

What are some uses for PRP?


PRP is used to stimulate collagen production and promote healing. In the hospital, it is Injected into joints after injury or arthritis. At Belle Vie, PRP can be used to correct under eye darkness, hair restoration, improve hyperpigmentation, lighten acne scarring, stretch marks, and smooth fine lines - especially when combined with microneedling.

What is microneedling and why is it beneficial?


Microneedling involves using a device, called JuvPen, that has variable depth needles that create micropunctures that stimulate the healing process. After a facial numbing cream of course! Adding PRP or a stem cell growth factor-based brightening solution (or both!) provides an environment for optimal healing. After healing, softer, smoother skin is revealed!

What is the recovery like?


- Short term: your face will have some tightness and redness for an hour or so, but little to no discomfort. There will be restrictions as to what you can put on your face as well - this will all be discussed in detail.

- Long term: your skin will feel so much smoother within a few days, but you will also see continued improvement over 3 months. Depending how much TLC your skin needs, it may require a series of 3 treatments, each 30-45 days apart.

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Medical Grade Skin Care (Neocutis by Merz)

Why does medical grade skincare matter?


Medical grade skincare requires at least 10% active ingredient while over the counter has less than 8%. They are also required to provide research to prove effectiveness and regulated by the FDA. OTC skin care can put whatever they want into their formulations and are never tested.

I don’t like complicated routines, can you still help?


Of course! We’re low key people too, promise! If we know what your biggest complaints are, we know what to focus on to help you!

What kinds of things can Neocutis repair?


Neocutis uses growth factors “designed to support production of collagen and hyaluronic acid” - This increases the firmness of your skin. They also “address the more pronounced signs of aging and loss of elasticity with hand-crafted peptides” - this tightens skin and decreases the visibility of wrinkles. We can help with dry skin, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, under eye puffiness, generalized skin laxity, and more!      (

Okay this sounds too good, it’s got to be more expensive, right?


Short answer: yes, it is a bit more expensive upfront. But the bottles last for months! Concentrated solutions means less physical product needed. If you're on a budget, we can find just a couple things for your specific needs.

* But remember: you’re also paying for years of research, proven results, and the assurance of knowing what’s in your products.

Medial Grade Skin Care
General & Mobile
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General FAQ's & Mobile Services

What's the best way to get in touch?


Call, text, email, Messenger, whatever is best for you! We pride ourselves on prompt responses,  but please give us 24-48 hours at the most. 

How can I schedule or see your hours?


Our services are by appointment only. You can begin scheduling to open the calendar for availability, including your free new client consult. There is no commitment to schedule if the times do not work for you. But please reach out if this is the case, chances are we can work something out. Click here for scheduling.

How do mobile services work?


While we are working on getting a physical location setup, we are providing mobile services. This means we come to you! All services, except dermal filler, can be provided in the privacy of your home. Belle Vie brings all the necessary supplies, we just ask that you provide a chair. We welcome solo appointments, but can also do a tox party where you can earn free tox! (see below)

Can you do "tox parties"?


Absolutely! If you get 5 or more friends (including yourself) together, the host earns rewards! Free tox sound okay?! There are additional specials for you and your guests. If you all plan well, you can have a party every 3-4 months and rotate who hosts for rewards when you're all due at the same time!! For information about planning a party, please email at

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